Friday 20 June 2014

References (2012, August 14). How to Dig in Volleyball [Video file]. Retrieved June 16, 2014, from

Ackerman, J. (2014). Girls Volleyball. ABDO.

Blazevich, A. (2010). Sports biomechanics, the basics: Optimising human performance. A&C Black.

Coachr Organisation (n.d.). Introduction to Coaching Theory: BIOMECHANICS. Retrieved 15 June, 2014, from

Crossingham, J. (2008). Spike it Volleyball. Canada: Crabtree Publishing.

Enclyopaedia Britannica (2014). Centre of Gravity. Retrieved June 16, 2014, from

Hede, C., Russell, K. & Weatherby, R. (2011). Applying biomechanics to sport. In PE, Senior Physical Education for Queensland (Chap. 3). Retrieved June 17, 2014 from

Keeling, J. (2007, May). The Dig Tips for Keeping the Volleyball in Play. Retrieved June 16, 2014, from

Lenberg, K. (2007). Preparing for the Perfect Pass. American Volleyball Coaches Association, 18(1), retrieved 16 June, 2014, from

Sokeland, J (2013). VOLLEYBALL: Floyd Central too tough for Stars. Hoosier Hills Conference Sports. Retrieved 14 June, 2014, from

The Physics Classroom (n.d.) Newton’s Laws – Lesson 3 – Newton’s Second Law of Motion. Retrieved June 17, 2014, from

How else can we use this information?

The information within this blog is relevant to that of a volleyball dig which is a quite narrowed down skill as I cannot think of any other sport in which similar is used.
This does not mean however, that the biomechanical principles applied to the dig don’t apply to other sports.

The angle of incidence can in fact be applied to racquet/bat sports of tennis, badminton and even cricket where the angle of which the ball is struck determines where it travels and the accuracy of each shot. Optimum angles for these sports will differ but the principle of wanting to be accurate is the same. This biomechanical principle does not just need to apply to sports but can also be viewed in a light of everyday life. When writing on paper or other, the angle of which we hold the pen, pencil, texta, paint brush, ect. determines how thick, thin, faint or heavy the mark is which is left behind.

The kinetic chain or summation of force is used when throwing a ball in any sport or for your dog at the park. It uses the whole body’s power behind the action to achieve a greater power. In the kinetic chain there are two types of movement patterns, one of which was covered within this blog, the push-like pattern, and the throw-like movement pattern. The throw-like movement pattern has an emphasis on speed behind the object, as would be used for kicking a football or throwing a netball. The push-like movement pattern is ideal for accuracy within a skill or task, such as what we want from a volleyball dig or when playing darts.

When we are unbalanced it is either because our base of support is small, for example we are less balanced when standing on one foot compared to two with them shoulder width apart. Being less balanced is determined by how easily we are able to be moved or pushed over. Having a solid base of support is important for everything we do, for example when in the kitchen using knifes we aren’t likely to stand on one foot as it isn’t as stable as two therefore unsafe. The centre of gravity is also important with things we do, as where this is also determines how balanced we are. This middle point of our mass changes for different tasks, for example in the rugby scrum the players lower their bodies as to not fall over from the force which is applied from being pushed and pushing back.

Newton has three laws of gravity and all are important in what we do, from walking (action and reaction), driving with un-restrained items and having them hit you in the head when you stop suddenly (inertia) or trying to lift a heavy box on your own compared with having someone help you (more mass requires more force).

While these are the biomechanical aspects I decided to look into in regards to the volleyball dig, there are many more which have deep principles behind them. Accuracy of the dig is determined by these biomechanics and for which technique is used to execute the skill. Having a better understanding behind these biomechanics I am able to break down the volleyball dig into a more complex skill than what it appears to be when first performed.

The Answer

The angle on which the volleyball is hit on the curvilinear flight down is important.
Now that it has been established what the important biomechanics are behind the volleyball dig moving on to the answer for sub-questions can be done. So how does the dig become to have greater or less accuracy? The angle which the ball is hit also discussed as the angle of incidence is important as if this is too little or to great the ball will be propelled in an angle which is not ideal. I took the liberty of getting shots of the ball being hit outside of my predicted op5timum angle of the ball being hit in. As can be seen in image 3, when the volleyball is hit from approximately 80 degrees to the body, the ball rebounds off the platform of the arms at a similar angle to which it travels in prior to contact.
Image 3: A demonstration of when the ball is made contact with at or below 80 degrees to the body that it rebounds in the direction it travelled in the curvilinear path prior to contact.
The image below is when the ball is hit at an angle greater than approximately 95 degrees to the body and can be seen in the next screen of the action, the ball travels in a direction which is not ideal. The ball moving backward means that the team mate of the person who performed the dig is not able to achieve a set close to the net which is ideal in the volleyball rally (Crossingham, 2008).
Image 4: This sequence of images show that when the ball is hit greater than approximately 95 degrees to the body the ball will travel a path which is away from the anterior (front) of the body.
If an angle less than 80 degrees to the body and greater than 95 degrees doesn’t provide the optimum angle to make contact with the volleyball in the dig it means that between 80 and 95 degrees is ideal. This can be viewed in image 1 from the first post of this blog where the player for Floyd Central’s has lowered her centre of gravity to achieve the ideal angle of incidence. This image is portrayed with image 5 below where an image of a 180 degree protractor was lined up with the straight of it to her back and shows that the angle in which the ball was hit is that of 90 degrees.
Image 5: A modification of image 1 showing that the angle which the volleyball was made connection with is the optimum angle of 90 degrees to the body. Reprinted from VOLLEYBALL: Floyd Central too tough for Stars in, Hoosier Hills Conference Sports, September 2013. Retrieved 14 June, 2014, from:
If the athlete uses their whole body the accuracy will be greater compared to if just the swing of the arms is the only motion.
This theory was a bit more difficult to show as for me to perform the use of leavers to execute the shot through the use of swinging the arms, my technique had to be modified. Due to this the kinetic chain technique of the push-like movement pattern was looked into and captured first.
Push-like movement pattern of the kinetic chain:
As discussed in the biomechanical principles behind the volleyball dig, the body is able to produce more force as the joints of the body are extending at the same time (Blazevich, 2010).  After 10 attempts in doing this style of dig, the ball went into the area which was marked with a circle 8 of these times. This although is a small scale and with only one subject to prove the point, shows that this technique is 80% accurate. Image 6 below shows how this testing was set up.
Image 6: The set up for testing of accuracy using the push-like movement pattern.
Arms as levers for technique of the volleyball dig:
This technique used the same set up, the use of a circle of where the ball is wanted to go to and the same amount of attempts using the shoulders as a pivotal point for the levers of the arms to make contact with the volleyball in the dig. This technique proved less accurate as only 50% of the shots (5 out of 10) went in the circle. Although this may be the case for me personally performing the dig in this style, someone who is more used to it and it comes naturally to them may have more accuracy as diversity is a part of sport.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Main Biomechanics behind the Volleyball Dig

Angle of Incidence:

Before the angle of incidence is gone into detail it must be made aware that when a ball makes contact with an object (bat, ground, wall or body part) it doesn’t lose energy, the energy is converted into other forms (Blazevich, 2010). “Coefficient of restitution describes the proportion of total energy that remains with the object after collision (Blazevich, 2010, p. 117)” This energy that remains determines how high the ball is to bounce after contact, after contact with the forearms the volleyball will rebound quicker if the platform of the forearms is smoother (Hede, Russell & Weatherby, 2011). The smoother and more locked the elbows and wrists are the more accurate the ball is at being performed at the correct angle (Hede et. al., 2011). The angle of reflection is greater than the angle of incidence which is the flight of the ball when it comes over the net (Blazevich, 2010). Meaning that for the ball to go in the air (the dig stopping the ball hitting the ground and preparing for a set) (Keeling, 2007) the ball must be hit from directly underneath the 90 degree angle is best as mentioned earlier.


Kinetic Chain – Push-like motion:


Image 2: Visual imagery for kinetic chain of the volleyball dig. Source Unknown

Video 1: Natalie Schmitting demonstrating a volleyball dig using the push-like motion. (, 2012).

The kinetic chain is also referred to as the summation of forces, which our body can produce if the joints and next movement from the body is performed at the right time. This is where the volleyball dig can differ in technique; the ‘correct technique’ uses a push-like motion which is portrayed in image 2. The figure is using their legs for the strength, and moving the shoulders at the last bit just before contact with the ball to achieve the correct angle. This motion uses all parts of the body to achieve the most power in the dig as can be seen in video 1 above where Natalie’s body extends at the same time.  The other technique is where the arms are used as levers as their axis of rotation is that of the shoulders (Blazevich, 2010). This technique only gets power from that of the rotational point of the shoulders whereas the push-like motion from Natalie gets power from the proximal joints in her dig.

Centre of Gravity and Base of support:

The centre of gravity is where the total weight of the body is thought to be concentrated (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2014). This is more known as the belly button for most humans as it is the middle point of our body thus our mass. When setting up for the dig, Natalie from video 1 gets her body low before the ball has come into view. This helps her balance and gives her the spring from her legs which produce the power of the shot. Not only does Natalie get her centre of gravity low to help balance but as can be seen her feet are at a wide distance apart. This is her base of support and when this is lower it makes it harder for her to fall over when performing the shot.

Newton's Laws:

Newton’s first law: This is the law that all things will stay in motion unless acted upon by an external force. This is also inertia, where the ball in volleyball will continue to head towards the ground unless it is stopped by the arms. If this didn’t happen the ball would hit the ground thus scoring a point for the opposition.

Newton’s second law: Acceleration is dependent on the force and mass of the ball (The Physics Classroom, n.d.). This acceleration from when the ball comes off of the forearms is important as it needs to be fast enough that it goes high enough in the air for the next person to get ready and perform the set shot.

Newton’s third law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction (Blazevich, 2010). This law applies to that of the ground rather than the ball in this instance. When a force is applied to something which does not move (the ground) an equal and opposite reaction comes off the ground. In the push-like motion which is used, the ground enables the force to be equal which is applied to it.


Major & Sub Questions

What are the biomechanics underpinning an accurate and effective volleyball dig?
The reasoning behind an accurate dig in volleyball is simple, it sets up the team for a powerful attack rather than possibly sending the ball out of court and the opposition receiving a point (Ackerman, 2014). This may be the case but how many different ways are there of performing the task? Most people do it differently to the next although there are different cue points used in these.

The angle on which the volleyball is hit on the curvilinear flight down is important.

If the ball is hit on an angle which is less than 80 degrees to the body it is more likely to propel forward rather than upward (Lenberg, 2007). It works the same if the ball is hit more than 95 degrees to the body but the ball will be hit backward rather than up.

Image 1: An example of the volleyball being dug at the correct angle between 80 and 95 degrees to the body. Reprinted from VOLLEYBALL: Floyd Central too tough for Stars in, Hoosier Hills Conference Sports, September 2013. Retrieved 14 June, 2014, from:

If the athlete uses their whole body the accuracy will be greater compared to if just the swing of the arms is the only motion.

When the movements from the body are timed right and the body's joints are progressed at the right time a summation of forces occurs (Coacher organization, n.d.). This summation of forces increases the power which the ball is met with as it's push-like motion uses the strength from the whole body, legs, torso and shoulders. This movement pattern can also be referred to as the kinetic chain.